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Last played

March 23, 2024

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Library Ownership


It's a shame this game had such a weak launch because it pretty much feels like a game worth picking up with what it currently has to offer years after release. I always found the multiplayer here to be very satisfying even during the game's abysmally small & lackluster launch, now you can feel some variety to be had with forge and the introduction of new maps & modes. I initially played single player when it launched on game pass but I never really felt too inclined to put money for another month, when I finally bought the single player on sale I was kind of surprised to see how close I was to the end on my first save doing a new playthrough with a friend (albeit on Easy now & with the tank gun glitch because I was primarily playing to help them 100% the achievements). In a lot of ways calling this game Infinite as opposed to 6 makes a lot of sense when you consider how radically different the single player experience was changed and how strong the reaction was to seeing running on reveal (very much how I imagined how strongly people reacted to reach Reach and its gimmicks pre and post launch). The campaign being "open world" on a halo ring is an interesting premise for sure however I understand the complaints on the lack of variety in map design coming off of the older titles being set in large scale war zones across many different environments. I enjoyed Weapon's and Echo-216's mindsets and personalities reacting and at time clashing themselves with Master Chief's monotone and stern personality it definitely made for some good dialogue. I don't think I understand the complaint of gameplay being repetitive with the amount of side quests and objectives the single player has to offer because it feels like most Halo single player experiences have always been some variety of Moving to objective to objective and not being allowed to move forward until all enemies are dead in an area. I think the only real miss is that they're still pricing single player at full price (60USD) when two thirds of the game is already available for free and there really isn't enough content to have justified the price range like the older titles, I am pretty much aware this is an business executive's choice but the game should have been 20 bucks at most if they really wanted to convince people who aren't big fans of the series to want to go out of their way to buy it. All positives this game has to offer and yet the possibilities of what could have been still affect this game's reputation, whether you're bummed they cut split screen, neutered the single player multiplayer rewards system, introduced microtransactions yet again(which I know is the biggest criticism for an astounding amount of people), and not even mentioning the looming feeling of how they already gave/given up with their initial post launch content plans and other inconsistencies from now and then. At the end of the day though I'm not someone whose been overly critical to the point of rage consuming this game so I would still give myself the opportunity to play it and recommend others who are unsure of picking up what very could well be their first Halo experience.