TimeShift 2007

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 20, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


pretty standard game experience for what its worth, story isn't particularly interest to keep up with and the introduction is just loud and messy for no real reason. the game attempts to give you puzzles to coincide with the suit abilities but they're all basic and simple. this game is hard until you remember you have slow mode and an ammo box nearby so you really could wipe most groups with the rocket launcher and call it a day. the way the game attempts to portray its story is unique but its annoying when you have to rewatch something because the checkpoints were BEFORE the cutscene. once you get used to learning how to properly utilize the suits abilities to fight the enemies you'll find yourself dying most of the time to random things the game will throw at you that you were supposed to counter by stopping or slowing time. game is shamelessly inspired by Half Life, i was on the edge of its influence and how much it took from the HL series until i saw the floating rail carts