Ok, so it turns out I'm a big fat liar... Sonic Heroes wasn't actually my first video game...

Tom is the real victim in this series, poor guy's just trying to do his job by keeping pests out of the house, and y'all chastise him for it. He literally gets beaten with a broom in this game based on the amount of damage YOU do to the house, and you wanna put Jerry on a pedestal as an innocent bystander only acting in self-defence?

Fuck Jerry, all my homies hate Jerry.

I wouldn't really describe the adventure as particularly "Horrid" (#henryisinnocent), I'd say it was more... "Dull"? "Derivative"? "Insipid"? or how about "Really Fucking Boring"?

Glorified classic Sonic collection for me as a kid (the US title wasn't even trying to hide it), but I did have a fun screwing around with some of the other titles, like Alex Kidd, Comix Zone, Ristar, Golden Axe, Ecco, and I remember Bonanza Bros being a ton of fun with my dad.

While the newer version is probably better with its slightly larger collection (weird exclusions aside), this one still has some value as a budgeted alternative for owners of older systems, and this was the last official release of the original versions of Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles, original music in tact if I'm not mistaken

I was super confused as a kid, because I had no idea who any of these characters were (aside from Spongebob, Plankton and Jimmy); never saw any of these series before and though they were made for this game.

Could be wrong on this, but I'm pretty sure Nickelodeon never aired any of these series in the UK, and if they did it clearly wasn't enough. Also all of these series (except SpongeBob) we cancelled when this released, so that might have had something to do with it (can't rerun old Invader Zim episodes, that's precious time that could be given to SpongeBob, it's not like that already took up 70% of the networks broadcast time...)

Never played the original, so I have no idea why this is so contentious for fans. I thought this was pretty good as a kid, what exactly did they screw up here? You can use the DS mic to input your own custom dialogue for passing other racers, getting hit by items, and other stuff, that's funny. Are games not allowed to be funny anymore?

Miserable attention-starved losers on the internet:

Nintendo in 1988:
"Oh yeah, Birdo is transgender btw."

This is like Puyo Puyo, but you need an actual doctorate to play it, like what the actual fuck. Playing this on anything higher than low speed, feels like having a stroke.

(Pill Issue)

Hardest title for a game ever (cute reference for the nerds), deserved to be a better game.

Going full on survival and expecting more from the player like no other zombie game has before is fuckin rad, better emulating the feel of the movies, but it's too much of a janky and buggy bugger to realise that potential. Then again, I only played this back in 2016, so maybe it got better, but I just never went back... too scawy :(

If I had a nickel for every time a sequel to an established franchise dropped it's original formula/concept in favour of pirate shenanigans, and ended up being all the better for it, becoming the fan favourite that even the series' detractors enjoyed, I'd have 2 nickels; which isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

Would have been the definitive way to play Mario 64 had it been developed for the Wii, or even pushed back 7 years for a 3DS launch title, but for some godforsaken reason, Nintendo thought: "Yes, this is perfect for the DS!"

The dumb bitch cut her hair. It's literally the source of her power, is she stupid?

Another Steam library title categorised under "multiplayer game a friend wouldn't stop pestering me to buy because it was on sale, and they 'swear it's a really good game, it's the hot thing right now, you'll love it', so I played it with them for an hour and proceeded to never touch it again because it was boring as fuck, and I had no drive to ever touch it again, to the point where I forgot it even existed until now, but I will immediately forget about it again after writing this anyway, so it'll just continue rotting in my collection while I play actually fun games."

Got quite a few of those.


mfs in the 2000s: Donkey Kong Country will never return 😏

mfs in 2010: 😱 😱 😱 😱 😱