I played the first game when I was 11, I guess, our taste gets more... refined? At first, I felt Chloe was too stubborn for what I remember, with stupid teenager shit. And It really was, but things started to get on track after she got Rachel. I'm literally speechless for how deep the story got, and I had a lot of goosebumps also because of the soundtrack that LIS never gets wrong! The art direction is just perfect af too. It got really good and immersive after the first contact. The rpg stuff was so fun!

Some people say that not having the powers are the problem of the game. I honestly believe not, cause a well told story supresses that. The thing I really miss is: your choices on first LIS had much more impact. Here, the story goes the same way with 1 or 2 different cutscenes, cause it only exists to be a fan service, but I still like it.

If you're into this "choice genre", you'll probably have a good time, but if you were into the first game just because of the time rewind, do not buy it.

Reviewed on Dec 18, 2023
