1929 Reviews liked by Creepaface

Played this after AVGN talked about it. Its honestly like if warioware was made in the 80s, genuinely super creative

Somehow fulfills the masculine urge to earn a CDL. Crank dat hog brother

i hope all the companies making ai play this so they how sick the future they're building is. i have rocket boots and a robot baddie is always talking to me.

what else could i ever want?

This game was really hard as a kid, Vader was a no-life sweat

THe best arcade machine that I used to play in the movie theatre!

It's just Flappy Bird, but made to suck your wallet dry at arcades. You've gotta be insanely desperate for tickets to play this crap.

I just so happened to be insanely desperate. 🗿

Saddened to see an artistic achievement like the original sell out like this

thats 100 pesos im never getting back

The only arcade game I can consistently win, it gets no rating from me, but it does have my respect.

One of my favorite ways to get a finger infection.

3☆ - Won the jackpot at one point despite not paying attention in the selection process.

There is nothing, NOTHING on the face of this planet, hell in the entire UNIVERSE that I despise more than you. Global warming, shooters, nazis, racism, terrorism, Michael Bay, they all pale in comparison to you. You stupid piece of good for nothing, pathetic trash.

Proof of the superiority of art under AES (actually existing socialist) states

If this released now it'd 100% be a crypto scam with a Bitcoin prize for leaderboard winners