I don't like party games like these, but its fine for some rounds with friends, just, nothing to write home about AT ALL.

Absolutely nothing special here, but its also nothing egregious, it just exists, except the writing, holy fuck every time I see a clip from it its baaaaaad, thank god my standars for writing were non existant back then cause otherwise I would've fucking died seeing those cutscenes.

Its a good game, very flawed in a lot of areas in balancing, gimmick approach, writing, etc.
However its not bad, the variety of pokemon here is unmatched, its still fun to traverse it, and the online was incredible while it was still up.
The core experience is still solid, even if its not the best.
There's better options, but this one's still good.

Absolutely masterful, this game gave us an even more vivid version of the artstyle of Origins, and a lot of new fantastic levels to go through. A lot is carried from Origins, except now all powers are available from the get go, so level design for all levels factor them in.
Idk what to say that's new, this game fucks, and everyone should play it.

This game is absolutely crazy, literally Mega Man X and Zero combined, incorporates so much from both series, and comes out with an incredible execution. It really boils down to does Mega Man X and Zero stuff, takes its own spin on certain parts, nails it.
You can just feel this was made by fans of Mega Man, the movement is on top, the level design is amazing, the boss design is amazing, the graphics are very pretty, the writing is great for what we get, the music is awesome, really incredible game, its a must for ANY Mega Man fan out there.

I'll keep this as spoiler free as possible.
Coming off the first game, expectations for the continuation to Digital Devil Saga were sky high, specially with all the build up done in the first game, and not only does this game deliver how it was promissed, it goes above and beyond to make it even better than expected.
So, lets get the things that are about the same first.
Gameplay remains the same, with the big change being the mantra grid being way more open as it follows a non linear structure to get skills, which imo, its better as it gives even more freedom, with the possibility to jump from 2° tier skill after following a line, into another one on the fly.
Dungeon design is as stellar as always, the OST is the best one of any game still, and it looks and animates beautifully.
Now, for the writing.
The development they gave to Heat elevates him a lot more than how great he was, and the twists involving him, Sera and Serph are absolutely world shattering crazy.
Gale gets even more development and gets turned into a character that can genuinely be considered the best written one in all of MegaTen, Sera finally gets explained fully, and becomes incredible, Cielo and Argilla get scenes that show how amazing they are, we even get a new party member in Roland, who despite being for only 1 game, becomes an amazing character who can stand alongside the rest too, and Serph, I have never been too fond of silent protags in RPGs, but omfg, they even managed to make the SILENT MC incredible here. And the main antagonist in Angel becomes my favorite antagonist ever, in just how threatening and evil she is, as well as how you can sympathize on how she got there, and what exactly caused it.
All tied to a story that goes every single place possible, and manages to leave such an impact it feels unbelievable so many times, specially with how emotional it gets, I cried dozens of times to this game, specially on one ocation where I cried for 15 goddamn minutes.
This duology is a masterpiece, and this is the biggest payoff to everything that was built up, and was done beautifully.
It came at a trying period of my life, and helped me find comfort in regards to trauma I suffered months prior to playing it, it is easily my favorite work of art ever, and something I recomend to everyone.
Give it a try if you have even the slightest curiosity on it, you won't regret it.

This is my first proper fighting game.
I can say, it was a nice time.
The story had a lot of things going on in general, but it wasn't THAT confusing, and the characters were charming, with standouts being Ragna, Jin, Hakumen and Nu.
The game felt well paced in the gameplay, and there's some modes to go to for content, and story mode having multiple routes helps for replayability.
It didn't feel particularly amazing, and also there was waaaay too many times HP displayed would be basically 0, but characters would still live, which, yeah, I was told it was janky and Ig it shows somewhat.
Still, OST slaps, the characters are fun to use, and it was enjoyable for what it is.

This game will just let your completionist mindset run rampant on the best way possible.
Actual masterpiece.

Adding mode for less skilled players was a saving grace for my 13 Y/O ass.
Also this version makes the golden temple an entire world, which is awesome, and yeah, no more Wii remote shaking lmao, we back on buttons bitches.

Pretty fun and charming game.
You can tell Next Level Games were here if you played the Strikers games.

Defo came around it to some degree.
I think expanding the general cast (Senran Kagura's strongest part somehow) was a good idea on paper.
The problem is that the new characters are more wonky.
Katsuragi was the only outlier beforehand because they turned her into a fetishy lesbian and pervert, but still had good character trails (and she gets more development here).
But in this game, out of the 10 new characters, 4 don't land: Shiki, who is just, a rich girl entitled to whatever she wants, Minori who acts like a toddler and doesn't get development, Ryobi who could've been good, but is sadly tied to the final one, Ryona, who is just, a big masochism fetish in the worst way possible, and drags down Ryobi's character because they interact so much, and on this game, both barely feel that different in development.
Now the other 6 are good and great (Yumi's my 3° favorite character of the franchise), so overall its more winners and losers.
The gameplay change to more 3D didn't help much, as its still kinda repetitive, and having 20 characters leads to issues with feeling the actual variety, as you spend so little with each unless you go tackle the side stories, which are a nice distraction, but don't give anything meaningful.
Overall, its OK, it doesn't expand much, and when it does, it has mixed reception, but it still manages do to plenty of good, so can't really hate it, and I'd say its worth experiencing if you liked any of the other games.

Its a fun time, albeit defo doesn't stand that highly.
Characters don't stick too much, and while gameplay's good, omisions such as the belly system is odd.
I do have bias for it as it is the first pokemon game I played, but hard to think that highly of it when it has some glaring issues.

This update FUCKS.
When Mc. Pig described it as a new game +, he wasn't lying.
This update changed a lot of little details overall for Noise's playthrough, and they're all kickass.
Lets start with the big one, ITS THE NOISE.
So Noise has a different focus than Peppino, instead of climbing walls, he bounces around instead, and the moment he touches ground, he can start at mach 2, making him far easier to get fast startups, but keeping it for him is harder, as he can't keep speed that well as he's unable to climb, and using ledges to propulse himself is incredibly hard as the only dive that he can use that does it, is the one when he's stationary, but that tradeoff is still worth it in the end, as he can pull tricks Peppino could never, specially with being able to super jump at any time.
Every level feels new because of Noise's different moveset.
It also helps that the powerups also change with noise.
Knight armor bounces when crashing instead of stopping, chilli wings fire is floatier, ghost can dash instead, etc, it all feels new and fresh, makes approaching the levels even more engaging.
And also they can have bullshit like being able to kill the horses of Fast Food Saloon, Noise cheating and always getting Primo Burg in Golf, most of the levels have new quirks, bossfights too, but no spoilers.
And the new tracks are awesome.
The new John Gutter theme, the Pizza Time and Lap 2 theme, a fucking Unexpectancy part 3 remix, and a new theme for The Crumbling Tower of Pizza called "I need a Noise", which is my new favorite PT theme.
In general this update added so much new content that makes this game even MORE replayable than it was before, and it elevates it even further, which, is insane for what was already one of the best 2D platformers ever.
But that's the power of The Noise
If you beat PT, try playing as The Noise, trust me, its incredible, and you won't regret it.
Top tier update.

For the first Wii U game, this is a nice way of kicking off the console, and honestly pretty creative for going tour with their IPs.
I hope we get another game like it eventually, cause its very good.