This game caught my eye at SGDQ this year and learning that it was a metroidvania had me even more excited as I found the gameplay to be interesting. Now, I've played my fair share of metroidvanias of all different shapes, sizes and difficulties. I kind of wished this game had difficulty options because if you choose not to explore and press on ahead, you will be punished, and this game is quite punishing.

I'm all for a good challenge, but it's been a while where I've been nearly in a fit of rage because of some of these bosses. Attack patterns that in the later half of boss battles require precise windows to dodge, hitboxes that don't match the size of the attack, and having low health because I didn't explore the entire map before this. I did my fair share of exploring as I put 20+ hours into this game (Most of it from boss battles), but I always felt I was lagging behind, even if I was collecting things along the way.

I got to the second to last boss and after a certain number of tries, I just sat there thinking that I wasn't really enjoying the game anymore, which is a shame. The game has solid art direction, an interesting weapon and armor system, and a decent OST. The game is exactly how the developers intended it to be, and that's fine. It got to the point where I felt like I was bashing my head against a brick wall. It's not the worst metroidvania I've played, but it certainly was the most frustrating.

Reviewed on Jul 16, 2023
