Worse gameplay but better story than X1.

Far and away my favorite gameplay of the franchise. Story a bit half-baked due to the split for X2.

My first Tales game and still my favorite. Zelos is actually the greatest character of all time.

Was an alpha tester, had a lot of fun. Too bad it's dead.

How do you go from Legion to this?

Favorite WoW expansion. Great class flare, lore, dungeons, raids, etc. Wish this one stuck around.

Got burnt out early on, but another top notch expansion.

Guild fell apart in Firelands. Been an LFR baby ever since.

Favorite WoW expac. Great lore and got to do some raids. Northrend is my favorite new area.

Actually around for the whole expansion. More fun than Classic, but dated and I never revisit Outland by choice.

Missed the boat, but just in time for TBC.