I can't believe I put off the Mass Effect series for so long and the first entry makes a great first impression. I don't know if I have much to say on it, and I think it's easier to talk about what it doesn't do well rather than everything it exceeds it.

I'll admit I wasn't particularly in love with any of the companions and I played it as an asexual Shepard. I wish I cared more about that decision later in the game, and felt bad that I wished I could choose neither due to my disinterest in the choices involved. I think the side quests are rather basic, and the story was just okay.

Wow, it sounds like I hate this game. Trust me, I don't! I actually really enjoyed my time with it. It's a fantastic RPG, and I actually like the gameplay even if it's a little janky (even in the LE).

I'll mention that I started it and dropped at one point in 2022. Not because I didn't enjoy it, but I got distracted. I'm just mentioning that since I finished it pretty quickly once I picked it back up since I had the Citadel and many side quests done already.

Score: 90

Reviewed on Feb 19, 2024
