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February 15, 2024

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[Disclaimer: This replay was done on a restored version of the V3 edition of this mod done by someone rather controversial in the FNF community. I do not endorse their actions, and for this specific game and similar other drama-related projects, I prefer to separate the art from the artists and look at them for what they are. With that cleared up, let's continue.]

Hey you wanna know something really funny? It's actually super easy to ruin your reviewing credibility on this site. Don't believe me? Watch this: 3, 2, 1...

I genuinely like Friday Night Funkin': Vs. Sonic.EXE 2021...

Jokes aside however, I've seen most people direct a certain distain towards this mod specifically. Most of it comedic in nature obviously, which I take no issue with, but I don't see pretty much anyone talking about the actual game this whole or deal came from 100% seriously, which is what I intend to do for a change.

Friday Night Funkin' is admittedly not my thing. I think parts of it are cool, but I personally find BF's voice somewhat annoying and the fact that you can win most songs by doing something as simple as spam the four directions on your keyboard makes the gameplay loop unappealing imo.
What I am however, is a massive Sonic fan, and Sonic.EXE, while I'm a lot more selective as to which aspects of it I choose to consume, doesn't fall far behind from that tree.

Presentation and aesthetics wise, this still holds up. All of the different character weeks having their own style is wonderful and the way that they're animated makes them all look fluid and alive. It's commendable that so many different aesthetics were picked and yet they all flow cohesively through the lens of FNF's main style shining through inspite of it.

Music is an aspect that I'm fairly mixed on. Some songs like Endless and Prey are absolute bangers, while others like Sunshine and Round a Bout are...not. Most of it falls somehwere in the middle for me of still being good songs, but not amazing or anything, although then again that might just be due to my own personal bias against BF's voice, since the covers of these that don't have him are much more enjoyable for me.

Now all that's fine and dandy for a rhythm game, but the main question still remains, how's the gameplay? And...well it's better than the base FNF I'll give it that.

Okay maybe that's a bit unfair. I still find doing the songs without constant note spamming to be a really fun challenge in it of itself, Prey specially feels frenetic but never outright unfair and a lotta the joke songs are like nice little fun strolls...but that doesn't really matter when the option is still there and accounted for, and doubly so when there are multiple instances where the notes move so lightning quick that unless your the flash (like most frequent FNF players), it's pretty mcuh your only option for survival.

That being said however, there are SOME measures taken to prevent note spam here and there. You Can't Run and Triple Trouble will punish the player with health drained if they go to overboard on their misses, which is bound to happen as a consecuence of said note spam, and Fight or Flight takes it one step further by making it so that any mistakes put you slowly at more and more risk until the fear meter starts draining your health like lightning or Eggman kills you because of your constant misses, which actually works pretty well and leads to it being my favorite song gameplay-wise (inspite of the fact that logically Tails should've just stabbed the guy with the fucking knife he's holding the entire song).

Overall, I find VS. Sonic.EXE has actually aged fairly decently for it being an early mod of a game I don't really care for. It's nothing outstanding and it carries the same issues I find in the base game, but it's looks and sounds are enough for me to give it a pass.