Overall solid game, pretty short and nothing huge but it takes a simple enough premise and stretches it right out to its limits in a way that's really fun, I like it :D

Fighting games peaked as a genre with this one tbh, I've never played another game with this level of fun, fast-paced movement and creative, unique character movesets. Basically every character in this has a whole unique mechanic that just exists for them and it's peak because of it, by far the best fighting game I've ever played.

Actually fucking horrible, if it's not the worst game in this series then it's the worst one I've played by far. The story is borderline nonexistant after the game's introduction segment, which would be fine on paper if it was fun, but the problem is that it just isn't. The first dungeon, the World of Pride, is to its credit actually quite good, the difficulty is well-balanced and the boss at the end is a great challenge that I actually found myself really enjoying. The one after that, the World of Greed, is... less good, being kind of annoying and going on for a little too long, but it's not the worst thing in the world.

Then you get to the World of Sloth, where the gimmick is that you have to pick one of several corridors to walk up and down for hours on end, which somehow makes the corridors longer, and at the end of a random one of them you'll find the item you need to progress. This is never explained, by the way, you're meant to just figure it out yourself. Needless to say this dungeon is utter dogshit and it's the reason I dropped this game, do yourself a favor and don't let the fact the game starts out being a decently enjoyable experience fool you into playing it, you'll just end up wasting your time and regretting that you ever gave this piece of shit a chance. Genuine trash, I can't understand how anyone could have made this game the way it is and thought it was acceptable.

I love this game but it's objectively quite bad, has a hell of a vibe to it and does a lot of things I really like but only play it if you're insane

I love this game so far, admittedly I haven't finished it (I don't know why it says "completed" on my review ignore that), but I've gotten as far as the last stage and I probably will soon, so I think I've played enough to say it's honestly way better than a lot of people give it credit for. The legion summoning system adds a lot of extra depth and a real sense of strategy to the game's combat, and while the legions could definitely be more well-balanced (I don't know what I expected from a legion called Flawed but I wish it was stronger), it's still a great time overall, even if it has some moments of kind of infuriating level design. Admittedly, the story is quite shit, but it's one of those games where the story is really just there as an excuse to contextualize what you're doing in the game, so it's not bad enough to detract from the experience at all in my opinion.

Also, everyone who calls this a "Devil May Cry ripoff" is insane, it came out a whole 2 years before the first actually good game in that series (DMC 3 my beloved) so I get kind of annoyed seeing people pretend it's just a worse version of something that came before; even putting the fact I vastly prefer it to DMC 1 and 2 aside, the gameplay here is different enough that the only real similarity is that they're hack and slash games on the PS2. Chaos Legion is much more about effectively utilizing the various legions you can summon and fighting alongside them to strategically defeat your enemies, and choosing the right legion for the right situation, as opposed to Devil May Cry being more about moving quickly to avoid your enemies' attacks and seeing what stylish combos you can come up with to defeat them.

Overall I honestly kind of love this game, and while it can be kind of janky and strange, it's still definitely worth checking out if you're a fan of this genre, or even if you just want to play a game where you fight as a summoner who needs to figure out when to use the various summons he has access to, and which ones to use specifically depending on the situation.

Amazing game, seems like one of those incoherent surreal nonsense "just walk around and see what you find" games at first glance but the fact there's actually a small amount of genuine lore and worldbuilding here made me so much more interested to see what I'd find next than I otherwise would have been; it's a surreal incoherent mess, sure, but the locations all feel like actual places and not just a collection of randomly-assorted colorful shapes. Absolutely loved playing this, I enjoyed it way more than I expected to.