Much like with Sonic adventure 2 I love so many things about this game, the medal collecting while shitty that they made it tied to progress was so fun, exploring the levels and huds was worth it.

The werehog was also a very fun spectacle fighter, and even though it was kind of tedious going for all S ranks with the fear of dying close to the end it was very fun, and I still go back to the werehog stages to this day.

interacting with the locals is fun, doing town missions, seeing the tiny subplots, and playing with daytime sonic is obviously fun as hell of course, the controls on his end feel like a perfect mix of a kind of adventure and boost style and I personally love that.

To someone who's new to Sonic I'm not sure if I can recommend, but as someone who loved adventure 2 and played it for it's extremley fun ranking system, if you're one of those people this is a must play.

I love this game to death, every single aspect of it, every stage and every game mode, all of them so enjoyable, especially in repeat playthroughs like you would expect out of any Sonic game. I love this game so much.