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The more I play this game the less I like it. The initial gameplay loop is fun, but it definitely grows stale as time progresses. The alien AI become laughably predictable. After a couple missions you can predict where the xenomorphs are coming and just sprint through the levels. I was also seriously disappointed in the lack of boss fights. You do encounter the alien Queen, but the entire sequence is a letdown. Also, do not play this game solo. The android marine AI allies are useless, they just get in the way and contribute very little. This is a fun game to play with friends, but not alone. This game has a serious lack of content. Yes, it isn't a full retail price, but I was expecting more. I worry for the replayability of this game. There are 4 chapters and only 12 missions and a horde mode. That is not much to keep people coming back. Once you've finished the game, which took me 10-11 hours, there is not much reason to go back and play it again. There is a fun game to be had here, but it lacks substance.