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ashlyninstereo abandoned Jumper: Griffin's Story
"Jump through an infinite world", this game boasts, "where there are no possibilities".
This is what we in the trade call lying.

The concept of the movie Jumper, about a guy who can teleport literally anywhere while being hunted because of it, could lend itself well to a videogame adaptation, which is why I went into this with intrigue.

Unfortunately, this attempt is terrible. Like, worse than the movie. And that's saying something.

There are only six levels in this game apparently but good luck getting through one.
The camera controls suck, especially since you need the camera to aim where you jump, enemies at the beginning of the game, during the tutorial levels, range from taking a small portion of your health to a huge chunk, which means you can die pretty quickly and since there are no checkpoints if you're dead you have to restart the entire level from the beginning.

The game doesn't make things clear either since I got trapped in a room that I thought I was meant to go into but it turns out was for a collectable I didn't even realise I collected until I looked in the pause menu.

Enemies can also just randomly turn into quicktime events. I spent an entire level fighting the same enemies and then randomly in level 2 during a fight with those same enemies I suddenly had to spin the analogue stick.

There's no checkpoints, there's no health pickups (since your health slowly regenerates) but there's also no grace period where you can chill and wait for your health to come back.

I seriously hope the 360 version of this game is better but I don't have a 360.

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