A rushed release which replaces the game I played with one lacking the content I spent my time with. It's obvious that valve doesn't really care about anybody other than competitive folk and esports players rn. I enjoyed playing danger zone and the wargames. I spent a lot of time on wingman and I played community servers a lot. All of this is currently not in the game, you can only play competitive, casual, and death match. Wingman is here but lacks the maps people actually played on like Lake. I also only play cache in competitive but I understand that it isn't a valve map so they didn't have any control over getting it ported in time. The game itself also has tons of issues, people with older rigs can no longer play and the netcode is really jank. I don't understand how it'll ever feel good for shots to be registered by millisecond but for the resulting visual feedback to only be given each tick, it is technically more accurate but it just makes the game have a lot more wtf moments. The performance is still kinda all over the place and the Linux port is very rough as well, where as before I primarily played csgo on Linux as it performed better. There are so many more issues with this release and the lack of content is really annoying since they replaced csgo with this. I would be happy if it were an open beta and not a middle finger to the nicher player base. When everything from csgo is added back, especially community content, the game will be fun AF!! But right now its just unfinished and disappointing

Also please for the love of god precompile your fucking shaders. We are in 2023 and you of all companies should understand that it is unnaceptable to ship a game with shader compilation stutter. WORSE so that each update flushes the shader cache and results in players having to endure shader compilation stutters AGAIN

Reviewed on Sep 29, 2023
