People are quick to point out that this game hasn't aged well in comparison to Vice City and San Andreas but I think it's worth keeping in mind that this wasn't trying to be either of those and instead was basing itself off GTA 1 and 2. Those games are essentially just arcadey riot simulators and 3 is basically that in 3D which I think is worth something as open world games push towards being more complicated and merging with RPGs.

GTA 3 is open world sandbox games at their most basic. You boot it up and within minutes you're running around this surreal virtual city causing funny moment compilations. There's hidden items scattered around that you end up memorising, gang wars break out randomly, quick challenge missions and of course cheat codes to play with, it's "a video game" through and through. It isn't too deep and I'm getting a bit bored of it despite not being very close to the end but you run around shooting police because it's fun and I think that's all GTA 3 needs to be.

Reviewed on Dec 21, 2022
