im all for difficulty but good god. I played on normal and i didnt even know what was on my screen half the time let alone comprehened the specific weaknesses of the demons and at what range is most effective to fight them and when to parry the marauder guy while jumping around and boosting to make sure nothing is behind me so i dont get caught in a stagger loop because the muscly jumpy demon likes to leap across the arena to get on my nerves while i run out of armor so i have to think whether its R or L ctrl for the flame thrower so i end up pressing both anyway and since the weird brain guy is frozen now i may as well pull out my machine gun but hold on i have the missiles equipped instead of the scope so i cant shoot his weird blaster thing off wait a second nevermind i have to pull out my plasma rifle instead cause this four legged cyborg wants to put up shields i got to take him out to but dont forget about the little grunts hopping around make sure to glory kill them to maintain your health oh wait up just one second theres a guy spawning other guys got to take him out holy shit hes got a lot of health oh hold on nevermind theres a buffing totem somewhere so now ive got to find that and oh my god how is this normal difficulty

Reviewed on Aug 07, 2023
