The first 5 hours of the original game, but stretched to be a fully fledged 30+ hour ARPG.

After hearing that, I was skeptical of how much I would like this game. Not only since its only part 1/3, and we have to wait at least another 4+ years for the finale (and 1 more for Rebirth to come to PC), but I felt like they would add a ton of filler that might ruin the original vision of the game.

However, after beating the main story (I haven't played the intergrade missions yet, but I don't think it will change my opinion drastically), I can say without a doubt that this game is fantastic. Yeah its quite linear and there is some filler content, but walking around the 3D environment and interacting with the characters / the plot being more in depth than original game's Midgar is great.

The combat system is fantastic as well, flows really nicely and swapping to other characters is done SO WELL. Can't praise it enough. It didn't need to be as fun as it is, and I've heard Rebirth's combat is even better.

The biggest downside is the amount of work required to get the game running nice on PC. Installing FFVII Hook is absolutely necessary (turn off motion blur, VRR, depth of field, etc.) otherwise the game looks SO BAD.

Overall its an 8/10 or 9/10 game. Definitely worth playing, but only if you've played the original first

Reviewed on Mar 19, 2024
