3 reviews liked by D4rkRenan

This was so good! I'm really stuck between giving it a 4 or a 4.5... it's so hard to choose... I may change it in the future...

Tormented Souls completely nailed the RE1 vibes. All of it. The feel of the mansion, the puzzles, the areas, the music, the storytelling, even the colours.

At the start of the game, I was actually freaking scared bro. I was pooping my pants because the tension was so high. It wore off as the game went on, but at the start of the game, I was actually scared! Which I can't say for any of the classic, fixed-camera RE games.

One thing about the camera I liked was that it wasn't always fixed to the corner of a ceiling. Sometimes it would be like a third-person camera that you can't control. It would follow you and make it feel like you're in control, but you still can't look around that corner without walking around it - no matter how much you want to. This, paired with the minuscule amount of Saving Items in the first half of the game made me feel so tense exploring every new room. The Healing Item scarcity was really good, I never had a stockpile throughout the entire game. The ammo scarcity could've been a bit harsher, I killed most enemies I came across and didn't really run out.

This game does a lot of the classic survival horror mechanics really well and even improves on them in some cases.
The music is really great and memorable, although it could sometimes feel a little bit too similar to Resident Evil.
I actually enjoyed the story quite a bit and the way it was told! All of the notes told the same overarching story but from different perspectives and they were interesting, I never wanted to skip over any.
You don't have to worry about sorting your inventory in this game which makes the gameplay much more streamlined.

But at the same time, there was still a bit of clunkyness with certain things. Like changing weapons, you have to navigate through two menus to do that which feels quite interruptive. Now, I'm not asking for a Doom Eternal weapon wheel, that would be stupid. But this wasn't it. And some puzzles have point-and-click aspects with things that are easy to miss. I looked up a solution for a puzzle, but it turns out I was doing the right thing all along, I just hadn't clicked on the exact correct part of the screen. The "plot twist" is also completely obvious after playing the game for less than a minute. Literally. That's not a massive deal, it's just kinda funny.

Overall, Tormented Souls is awesome! I'm super excited for the sequel to come out. If they can improve on this game, the sequel is going to be amazing.

"Quem é você?"

Essa pergunta vale para os personagens de Yakuza, que frequentemente se encontram em conflito sobre sua identidade. Descobrem que são coreanos, depois que o pai é policial, depois que na verdade foram substituídos por sósias
e etc.

Mas também é uma pergunta para o jogo em sí, Yakuza está se levando a sério, ou é tudo pelo humor? Onde exatamente na indústria ele se encaixa? Em um momento o jogo nos entrega uma cena onde Kiryu discute a relação que tem com Kaoru, e depois nos entrega uma missão onde devemos ser dublador de um jogo pornô. Onde ele quer chegar e mais importante, importa saber (agora) onde ele quer chegar?

Apenas aproveito a jornada enquanto os personagens e a franquia se descobrem com o tempo. Em uma história sobre essas identidades, nada mais gratificante do que ver a diferença entre dois homens (Kiryu e Ryuji) que a principio...São iguais.

"Quem é você?"

Sou tudo aquilo que você não é.

Kiryu and Sayama really should have fucked