I have now tried on three separate occasions over the years to get through this and I just can't do it. There's nothing really bad about it (besides excessive and somewhat poorly designed completionist-type stuff) but it's so easy and slow it just puts me right to sleep. Also, the charming yarn aesthetic is kind of blown by them showing the seams, if you will, with the map screen and in-engine cutscenes exposing rough edges and the low poly count, seemingly from angles you weren't meant to see the models from. KIRBY'S EPIC YARN did it's story and menus in ways that gracefully sidestepped this, maintaining the one perspective. That's just one of quite a few ways in which this game does not compare favorably to its spiritual predecessor. Maybe a kid would be super into this, especially two-player, but I dunno. Not doing much for me.

Reviewed on Dec 24, 2023

1 Comment

I gotta replay this sometime cuz I remember really enjoying it