I'm a little confused about why this exists. It's essentially an expansion for TOOLS OF DESTRUCTION that's about a quarter as long, has -literally zero- new weapons (and about a quarter of the previous game's total arsenal), has no secrets, unlockables, or any kind of optional content, and since Clank isn't in it (for story reasons) Ratchet only has about half of his normal moves. There isn't even any shooting combat for close to half of the game, and all of the sudden, the focus is squarely on platforming and puzzle solving. It honestly plays like some kind of Ratchet UNCHARTED, and wow, that is not what I'm looking for from these games! Is this what CRACK IN TIME is like?! Yikes.

Definitely regret spending $15 on this. Three hours of the instantly-tiresome pirate crap from TOOLS with close to no new assets and zero replayability. Baffling.

Reviewed on Jul 17, 2021
