Feels a bit like Sunsoft's Batman '89 movie game for Genesis except worse in most aspects^ and absurdly, insultingly difficult. In their defense, Superman is, of course, a notoriously tough nut for video games to crack, and crack it here they did not! Your playable Man of Steel is clumsy, weak, can't fly (outside of the (bad) scrolling shooter stages), and needs a powerup to punch through a steel door. On the upside, this is a game where you have a boss fight with The Prankster. Oh, and it's Sunsoft so the OST is absolutely lights out incredible for no reason at all.

^The downgrade is weird because this was a couple years later. The art specifically in that game was much, much better, but I guess they did have Burton's production design to go off of.

Reviewed on Dec 06, 2021
