Wow, shockingly low rent, even for an early 3D licensed game. No voice, no cutscenes, just a couple lines of text at the beginning of a mission and off you go into a hack and slash level made out of milk cartons. The, shall we say, spartan presentation and very arcade-y feel would be fine if the gameplay was at least passable, but oops, it's not. I had this when I was a kid and I remember it being bad, but not this level of unplayable. Feels like a game that was made in about a month and never playtested.

The pervasive platforming is bad but the combat is actually worse, with incredibly boneheaded design choices like not being able to pull up your block in the middle of any other animation, including any of the lengthy attacks (understandable) landing from jumps (idiotic) or skidding to a stop from running (inexcusable). Which attack you do whenever you press a button feels random, as does the damage it deals - your average battle droid takes anywhere from one to four hits to kill with absolutely no discernable reasoning behind it. Also, I'm sorry, why can these dumbass battle droids BLOCK a lightsaber. It's a LIGHTSABER. These are the "roger, roger" guys. That's not how it WORKS. The whole point of playing any game where you're a Jedi is to feel like a badass and mow through a zillion faceless goons with your superpowers and laser sword, but here you're a fumbling idiot who winds up swings for an hour while the doofy comic relief droids form a queue to tee off on your sack and send you pinwheeling through the air.

This crap makes me appreciate the DARK FORCES series all the more.

Reviewed on Oct 30, 2022


1 year ago

You can unlock Padme, who blocks blaster shots with her hands, so it evens out

1 year ago

Lol fair!