(played as part of ATARI 50)

Feels silly to try to put a score on this, so I'm not gonna. But it is fun! And incredibly interesting to think about in context.

My wife and I played it with ATARI 50's default setup of P1 on the left stick and P2 on the right, which cleverly imparts a bit of the old squished-together-at-a-cabinet feel. She beat me soundly. But being low attention span 2020s people who have been at least familiar with video games our whole lives, it didn't exactly thrill us for too long.

I love thinking about the throngs of people playing this in bars in the 70s, crowded around it for hours, amazed just by the very concept. An entirely new thing. I wish I could see footage of that. Some must exist somewhere.

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2022


1 year ago

See if you get to play with those paddle controller dials? Transformative experience. Full range of precision. Pong can be a great time, anytime!

1 year ago

@87th I saw that someone made a 3d printed paddle dial that hooked up to their ps5 controller, looked like it worked great. Jealous!