(played as part of ATARI 50)

This is another vector game where the super-clean look and feel really suit the gameplay and vice versa. The simplicity helps you focus. And the vibe is appropriately foreboding, complimenting the walls-closing-in combat.

The rhythm of the waves of asteroids - starting out slow as you line up your shots on the big ones, then building into a fast-paced frenzy as you splinter them to into careening, dangerous bits, and then easing back down as you pick off the last stragglers methodically, only to brace yourself and start again - that feels somewhat unique and I quite like it.

A big quibble I have with this and tons of games of this era is probably born of a technical limitation - the number of shots you're able to put on screen at once. Whether insurmountable because of the technology, or a deliberate design choice, or a bit of both, it's always frustrating to me. It requires more methodical play, and can and should be doable for a good player, but every fiber in my being just wants to spam and it won't let me! In this game specifically, with many of your targets being far out and moving quite quickly, your three shots at once or whatever just never seems like enough. Certainly not a dealbreaker though. I should probably just get good.

I wish you did more flying with the ship in this, the feel of it is superb. I dunno, do better players than me fly around more? Is that a high level play thing? I tend to try to hang out in the middle and scoot around a bit only if necessary. If there are videos of players out there doing full-speed Rogue Squadron stuff, pulling Immelmans on the UFOs and shit, I wanna see it.

Reviewed on Nov 15, 2022
