Third-person Diet GOLDENEYE. For EA to buy the Bond license and then immediately follow that particular slam dunk of a console FPS with what is essentially a very short, clumsy, shallow SYPHON FILTER knockoff, I have to assume this game represents nothing more than a holding pattern - a quick shoveljob to cash in on the recent movie while figuring out what to actually do for a real follow-up. It certainly plays like that's the case.

Playable-ish, but it's just fluff that's gone quickly and isn't all that enjoyable while it's there. Cotton candy game.

Reviewed on Mar 27, 2023


I thought this was the other N64 007 title, but it turns out I was confusing it with The World Is Not Enough. Just, damn, poor sandwiching between two of the most known 007 games

1 year ago

Yeah I'm actually looking forward to that one. I remember playing a tiny bit of it back in the day and being like, "ooh! More Goldeneye! (sort of)" But then I never followed up. Gotta be more interesting than this one. Oh, and apparently the PS1 version of TWINE is actually another one by this team, in the same style? So ...