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Time Played


Days in Journal

11 days

Last played

November 22, 2023

First played

November 5, 2023

Platforms Played


My last rally game was dirt 3 so it’s been a pretty long time, i personally prefer more arcady games like the earlier dirt (1,2 and 3) but i understand that now in 2023 people want more sim oriented racing games. The game does feel great on a controller so that’s good.

I will say that the environment textures at least on ps5 are not amazing but i mean its a racing game the main thing are the cars and they’re good texture-wise. The sound of the cars are amazing, playing on a home theatre you really feel like you are seating in the driver's seat.

Appart form the performance on console that seems to have been fixed now the only issues i have is the lack of a replay function accessible from the menu to look at a funny crash or a great sequence i've had without having to finish the entire stage. And flashbacks, don’t come after me with your git good or skill issues, i simply dont care lol, i play video games to have fun not stress over a 16km mountain stage, and dont say because it's a sim cause EA treats the F1 game like a sim but they get flashbacks.

But yeah maybe this kind of raw experience reminds me of one of my first games Colin McRae Rally 3, speaking of this a game from 2002 had more details in some places like a real podium at the end of each rally and when doing repairs between stages real mechanics working on the cars.