The pitch is fantastic, but it didn't fully work for me in the details. The character writing is solid and there's some good gags but it's too simple overall and wraps up too neatly. The low budget gets in the way too - the ska soundtrack is an inspired choice and executed well (shout-outs to Jer!) but the way it just loops throughout the game without stopping or switching to something else makes dramatic moments fall flat, and the (repetitive) barks frequently get in the way of the storytelling unless you completely stop playing the game to let the sequence play out. Also this isn't really Strange Scaffold's fault, but the nature of a single-player poker videogame is that there's no way to mind-game your opponents which takes away the fun of it - I think characters do have some semblance of individual AI that drives how willing they are to risk playing out a bad hand, but not advanced enough to feel like playing against real people.

Anyways, it's pretty chill and I had a good enough time.

Reviewed on Jan 01, 2024
