Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 30, 2023

First played

October 27, 2023

Platforms Played


Typically, when I sit down to play a game I don't stop unless I have a reason to stop since I tend to lose track of time. On a weekend, I may drop as much as 8 hours into a single session if I dont have much else going on and maybe even more if I'm really enjoying the game. With Callisto Protocol I only stomach 5 hours of play over a weekend despite having no plans other than to marathon the whole thing.

To elaborate a bit, I found the game impressive on all technical fronts but found absolutely zero joy in its combat system. Taking turns between dodging attacks and bonking gooey dudes in the head with your baton became so mind-numbingly dull that I couldn't force myself to continue when I realized this was ALL the game had in store for me. All of the great atmosphere built by the incredible visuals and sound design would not save me from the monotony ahead. The following Monday I sat down to play and stared at the menu screen for about 15 minutes before giving up and uninstalling. I could not find in me to slog it through another 7 to 10 hours just for the sake of completion.

I've read somewhere that the passiveness of the enemy AI (they like to stand around and wait for their turn to hit you when in groups) came from a developer update, after people complained the game was too hard when enemies actually attacked as groups, so this may be an interesting case of devs breaking their own combat system to appease public opinions of the game, but regardless of any of that I am still left with the single most BORING game I played this year and I cannot recommend it to anyone based on my experience with it.