[COMPLETED 12/22/23]

i will preface this saying i've never beaten MGS1. tried it multiple times; hated it every time and finally decided i'd just skip onto the sequel; had no expectations or thoughts whatsoever and this game has ended up becoming one of my favorite pieces of writing in media ever in one fell swoop

the entire time i was playing this game i kept thinking "i cannot wait to review its attention to detail." This game is so fucking ridiculously overpacked with the tiniest details down to animations and movements; to the AI of guards and their behaviors. MGS2 is genuinely speaking, the best usage of detail (and debatably AI) in any game that I've played; and throughout the course of my mission the game somehow managed to continuously impress me more and more. Guards waking each other up, struggling if you absently chokehold them before quieting down if you neck-twist 'em a bit, not being oblivious to the sound of your gunshots; these are some weaker examples, but it's still asinine for a game from 2001. I cannot imagine what this game must've been like at launch.

Characters were great, and you can tell how much of Kojima's movie-headed influence went into character acting, the story, and general scripting. Playing what Yakuza 0 initially reminded me of, which was essentially a playable movie was really fucking awesome, and I'm glad i had the chance to finally get to this game. So many of this game's weird and unique little bits are likely gonna stick with me for a long time. I have not had a game fuck with me, make me laugh, and question how you pack so much detail into a video game in so long, maybe ever.

i want to especially point out the sequence post- raiden becoming butt booty naked because of how atmospheric it is. having the colonel come on and slowly melt into this unrecognizable, schizo-rambling AI spewing utter nonsense during the peak of the game's story while you're for the first time, truly and utterly defenseless and trying to not die; only for him to keep going on and on and eventually have a real japanese woman start staring at me from where the spot where the radar is supposed to be is probably the most surreal experience i've ever had in a game. MGS2 is weird, funny, emotional, and a genuine roller coaster of expectations from a guy who went in knowing nothing but "kojima's a genius".

i love you mgs2.

PLAY TIME: 14:49:24

Reviewed on Dec 22, 2023
