I’m the type of person who enjoys solid gameplay over story in video games, so when this game came out and looked incredibly pretentious with its narrative, while also seemingly being about a man walking from place to place while delivering parcels, I decided I would wait for a deep sale. This was against my better judgement as a Kojima fan.

However, having now played the game, I can confirm that I loved almost everything about this experience. I will admit that as the game went on, I skipped cutscenes and dialogue, simply because I didn’t care. I was in for the satisfying loop of delivering packages across tricky terrain and seeing my reputation grow. I loved the music, I loved the visuals, I loved the performances (mostly).

In conclusion, I should not have waited for this game, but it’s better late than never anytime something special comes around. This is a near masterpiece in my opinion.

Played on PlayStation 5

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2021
