After playing two games on my PS5, I decided I needed to take a step back in time and play something I haven’t touched since high school, which is Dead Space, the sci-fi survival horror classic. In general, horror games are not my bag, so it’s an odd pick for me.

I’m happy to report that this game holds up, it’s just great. I love the atmosphere, I love the sound and music, I love a good old silent protagonist. The combat has some weight to it and I enjoy the statis mechanic combined with dismemberment, it just works really well and feels satisfying to play. It was also a lot of fun to go back and experience it again after such a long period of time, because (aside from a few moments) I hadn’t remembered every detail.

Big thumbs up for how the story is told almost entirely without cutscenes, I appreciate that.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2021
