As you'll all know, this game was huge on release. Literally everybody I knew with a PS2 was playing this and raving about it and I felt pretty left out. My experience was playing it a few times at my friend's place and pretty strongly disliking it. I'm sure I've played the 2nd and 3rd games at some point, but I couldn't pinpoint when or how I felt about them.

In fact, aside from 'God of War' and 'Ninja Gaiden' I've not really enjoyed any hack and slash titles, although you could make an argument that those two aren't hack and slash in the same way 'Devil May Cry' is.

Regardless, this is not a genre I enjoy and I was really hoping that going back to this game might be a turning point, or some sort of discovery. Unfortunately, that's not the case.

Reviewed on Feb 02, 2021
