‘DOOM Eternal’ is laser focused, everything about this game is a massive power fantasy where you play possibly the most badass killing machine in any video game. Where killing 1 demon is no different than killing 1000. It’s all in a day’s work for The Slayer.

What impressed me most about this game is the way it ramps up; it starts off quite modestly. Kill some fodder demons, have a couple of weapons and gradually get to grips with the game. But before you know it, you’re introduced to more weapons, more modifications, more equipment, more enemy types and more mechanics. At first it can be a bit overwhelming, where you’re trying to remember which enemies are weak to which weapons, or which type of kill replenishes what in your inventory. It’s really intense and I felt that the difficulty ramped up appropriately also.

But once you get into the swing of things, it slides into this addictive gameplay loop where almost every encounter is life or death, where you’re constantly on the move and have to make micro decisions every few seconds, where to jump, how to kill, what do I need? Ammo? Health? It’s extremely rewarding when you spend 5 minutes on one encounter where you’re constantly moving, constantly shooting and killing with
this amazing heavy metal score playing in the background.

I played the previous title in this series and loved it, but this takes it to a whole new level with new mechanics, new enemy types and larger more diverse locations. Frankly, it’s a stellar game and makes the 2016 title seem slow by comparison. Even the stuff it doesn’t do well (shoe-horned platforming) can’t detract from the overall experience.

As a side note… load times are extremely long and anytime you lose internet connection it pauses the game… Sadly these are the two biggest barriers to the speed and flow of the game.

Reviewed on Feb 12, 2021
