I said in my review of Ratchet and Clank 2016 “From reading other reviews it seems like if you are new to the series like I was you are more than likely going to enjoy this. However it seems like if you have been a fan of the series from the beginning you are going to be upset/disappointed as apparently it doesn’t represent the original very well.” Now I went from saying that with no knowledge of the original to now completing the original. I can say I feel I can back my statement 100% now. While I still enjoyed 2016 and will probably go back to it at some point If I had played this game 20 years ago I would have been very upset over the remake. They butchered the story and left entire chunks of the game out. A different final villain. Ratchet and Clank themselves act so different in the two storys. So people who have been fans since 2002 I feel for you.

Time hasn’t been this games best friend. Slow and sometimes bad camera. Aiming that is downright abysmal. These are things that were just common problems in that era of gaming. It wasn’t to much of a problem then but now it can be frustrating.

I really enjoyed the story and though the aiming was ass the game play was still fun. I feel that they spread out the planets great as you never feel like you are one too long before progressing. I’ve seen what Ratchet and Clank can be with A Rift in Time and I’m excited to go through and see the gradual improvements Insomniac made throughout the last 2 decades.

If I played this when it came out I would probably give it a 4.5 star rating and have blinding nostalgia for it. But playing it when I did, while I had a great time, the aiming and camera was just a little annoying for me. My 3.5 star rating means to me it was still a very good game.

Edit. After thinking a little more on it I moved this from 3.5 to 4 stars.

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2022
