If I could describe this game in one word it would be underwhelming. It is over as soon as it begins. The story is unnecessary and should have just been dlc for ToD. The pirate plot dragging on to long was one of my very few lowlights of ToD and this just drug it even further. There was only 7 weapons and non of them are new. The only Ratchet game I’ve played so far that this may have been more fun gameplay wise was Secret Agent Clank. The writing was decent, and there were a few laughs but it wasn’t enough to save this from the lower end of mediocrity. It does however have the best game title in the series so there’s that. Very excited to begin Crack in Time.

Reviewed on Nov 22, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

To be fair at launch it was priced accordingly for what it is and was always advertised as a mini adventure rather than a full game. That said you aren't wrong that it's impact is extremely lessened due to the size and scope of it.