I’ve heard that this games AI can make the game a pain and if that’s true I can see why the ranking is so low for people as there is plenty of teamwork that goes into play in All 4 One. Luckily I got to play the game through with my best friend Chordata3! We had a lot of laughs and a good time. It’s not the best Ratchet by a mile but it isn’t as bad as some say either. It is a solid entry that strays from the regular tried and true Ratchet formula.

I’m very sad that my Ratchet journey has ended. I can’t wait to see what Insomniac gives us next!

Reviewed on Dec 04, 2022


1 year ago

Definitely more fun this time around for me!

1 year ago

I put off playing this for ages on PS3 but was surprised how much fun it actually was.