I never thought I would enjoy a Turtles game more than Turtles in Time as it held my top spot for 20 years but it has been dethroned. Even though it came out in 2022 Shredders Revenge oozes late 80s early 90s nostalgia in every aspect of the game. In general I’m not a fan of beat ‘em ups or I would rate this game even higher as I really have nothing negative to say about it. The art is beautiful and you can feel the love the team put in it and kept the 90s feel while making it fresh and new at the same time. The sound track is much the same, retro feel but in a modern style. The gameplay was nice, tight and smooth.

It made me feel like a kid again playing through this and I enjoyed every minute. The game doesn’t overstay it’s welcome as there are 16 levels that last anywhere from roughly 5 to 10 minutes. 7 playable characters and several difficulty settings to keep things fresh and the game is highly replayable without a big time commitment.

If you are a fan of beat ‘em ups or were a child that grew up loving the turtles you need to add this game to your library.

Reviewed on Dec 23, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

I’ve been keeping my eye out on this game, good to know it’s worth the time.