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Metal Arms is one of the most unique hidden gems in the gaming industry! Considering this game was released all the way back in 2003, it was well before it's time. Unfortunately, due to a lack of marketing and proper funding, the game never received the appraisal it rightfully deserved.

In terms of shooters, Metal Arms had EVERYTHING you could hope for in this genre. Limb damage, extremely unique weapons/equipment/vehicles, varying types of enemies, a catchy soundtrack, parkour (kind of), boss fights, a comedic story, and to top it all off, mind controlled mechs! Just imagine a less serious Titanfall 2, but without the same degree of high level of movement. Even the multiplayer, though it was limited to local split screen, was amazing. In order to unlock some of the multiplayer maps, you had to find the data chips scattered throughout the story missions, which gave real meaning to the collectible experience.

I'm a bit biased due to my nostalgia for this title, but I have truly never found a shooter game as good as this (warranting a few outdated graphics, controls, and FPS issues due to it's age). This game is a true masterpiece! If you have somehow stumbled across this review and any of the above sounds even remotely interesting, I encourage you to give this game a shot. Download a Dolphin Gamecube Emulator, find a copy of the Metal Arms ROM file, and enjoy the next best shooter in your gaming library. It won't even cost you anything!