Log Status






Time Played

2h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 10, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Honestly, a super awesome beginner-friendly way to learning Riichi Mahjong. I wanted to learn how to play because I've been checking out the original famicom releases from 1983 and a mahjong game is one of them! I didn't want the cartridge just gathering dust on my shelf, so I asked a friend to help me learn how to play, and voila, wouldn't you know, he sends me to Mahjong Soul, and I couldn't be happier! Because of this website, I officially understand how to (shittily) play a game of Riichi Mahjong!

I'm someone who is super not into gacha or throwing anime girls into stuff randomly either, so the idea of Mahjong Soul initially didn't interest me too much, but honestly the way its all handled is marvelous! I truly expected it to be more intrusive with its gacha aspect, but ignoring it doesn't hinder the game at all for me. The girls can be a little annoying if I'm being super picky (nyaa~), but honestly they're fine characters, and they don't demand much attention. All together, Mahjong Soul is a really great way to learn, practice, and battle your friends in Riichi Mahjong!! It helps me understand the rules and what I can/can't do amazingly! Now I can't wait to kick some 1983 Famicom AI ass.
