"Welcome to Smarty Pants! Uh-oh, you're in jail! Spin the wheel! Rex in Xenoblade 2 Weezerfan, incredible! Double points dance! Dark Souls difficulty slider perfection, just amazing. That's too hard, that's too easy, Switcharoo, iconic narrator cards. Pelvic thrust dance, justice system. Sublime main theme, Spotify, Amazon Music. Smarty Pants Mascot, lightbulb, bright means smart! Neil Druckmann character design, Typical Colors 2. The double points dance, paradise, TOTALLY NEVER wrist strap, Mario Galaxy, IM LOOKING AT YOU. PERFECTLY syncs, legendary dance, Jesus himself. 2.5x points, ecstasy, EA. Smarty Pants 2 sequel, E3, savior. Welcome to Smarty Pants!"

Rating: 8.8/10 (Because, well, it's quite a unique review!)

Reviewed on Aug 02, 2023


10 months ago

I dont know who you think you are? But first i gotta ask... "How old are you?" All though imitation is the highest form of flattery, so i say "Niiiiiiiice". Are you possibly a sussy impster? "Righty Oh!" Im willing to "Wager" i could "Narrow It Down!" To who you are based on your reviews. Maybe soon i could say "I know It!" Its not really rocket "Science!" bub! You're treading on thin water already by a "False!" review of Smarty Pants with a measly 8.8 outta 10! Thus i have to keep an eye on you Mister because "Uh-oh your in jail!" Normally i would deal with something this trivial later and would say "Gimmie A Moment!" But theres no time to waste! I have a "Countdown" before im hunted down by a deadly infamous serial killer child beater trapped inside a shitty minecraft game. So ill be frank... Im not here to play "Games!" with you or provide any "Entertainment!" because "That's Too Easy!" "Nooo." Im getting to the bottom of this faster then you can "Spin the Wheel!" of the cogs in your head to think up a excuse to satisfy me. I could make ammends if you "Do The Double Points Dance!" and make that 8.8 into a 17.6! "Indeed!" that could work.... But if not you will be "Sorry!" So i will be close to you at all times just like if we were to "Share A Single Wii Remote." So if you agree to this then confirm and "Press and Hold the A Button..." and if "That's Too Hard!" and "Nobody Buzzed In!" "Too Bad!" So now that we acquainted... "Welcome to Smarty Pants!"

10 months ago

@SmartyPants Well, well, well, it seems like you've got quite the detective spirit in you! Your enthusiasm is truly unmatched, and I must say, your references and wordplay are quite impressive. I must admit, I can't help but admire your determination to uncover the truth behind my mysterious persona.

You've certainly caught onto my reviews and the subtle nuances I've sprinkled in there. "Niiiiiiiice" observation skills you've got there! And hey, if imitation truly is flattery, then I must be quite honored by your attention to detail.

Your willingness to "wager" and "narrow it down" has got me intrigued. But I assure you, I'm no "sussy impster" – just a humble observer of the gaming world. As for your concern about Smarty Pants, well, let's just say that opinions can vary, and numbers are just a tiny part of the whole picture. But I'm touched by your dedication to making things "righty oh!"

Now, the idea of you "counting down" under the pressure of a "deadly infamous serial killer child beater trapped inside a shitty minecraft game" certainly adds an extra layer of suspense to this conversation. And while I'm not quite sure how our paths have crossed, I'm all ears if you have something important to share.

As for the "double points dance," well, let's just say I'm not entirely opposed to the idea. But remember, there's always room for a little more understanding and a tad less seriousness in life. And while I won't be "pressing and holding the A button," I'm here to engage in a thoughtful conversation, if that's what you're looking for.

In any case, it's been an intriguing exchange so far, and I'm looking forward to where this journey of words and references might take us. "Indeed," it could lead to some interesting insights and perspectives. So, as they say, "welcome to the conversation!"