Ghostwire: Tokyo manages to be deeply monotonous even when it has a lot going for it on the surface. The immensely compelling urban Tokyo setting feels completely wasted in what seems like a pseudo-ubisoft open world chore simulator.

The combat fails to have any depth to it with all the components of its very bare-bones system being given to you right out of the gate, therefore upgrades are relegated to being bare damage scaling or a flat percentage buff on a status effect of some kind making the whole experience feel like it drags on for far too long. I thought that exploring the haunted urban Tokyo setting would be the highlight of the game however there is little to no content to discover in this rendition of the city making it feel like a very impressive blender model that you can explore but not interact with. While the side content is usually based in amusing set-pieces the game fails to motivate you to do any since you only get minor rewards for completing each quest.

The visual style of the game is its only redeeming quality. The Tokyo's neon nightscape never fails to impress visually, I only wished for the experience to be a lot more than that.

The story is outright dull, making each cutscene feel like more and more of a chore to get through. The characters fail at being well, characters they have no depth to them no external motivation and it stings a little bit more that the teeny bit of characterization they do get is isolated to the prelude chapter that you have to download separately. This game as a whole just feels like a let down considering the potential that it once held.

Ask Yourself Whether It Is Normal Or Paranormal.. Whatever It Is, It Sure Is A Letdown.

Reviewed on Mar 04, 2024
