For the past year I've been binging the RE series and having a blast. These games are SO fun, and 7 is no exception.
It was a fresh take on the formula, now being in 1st person. It definitely felt more scary, and I don't think I would've finished it without my 2 friends who joined me in this playthrough.
I can very much recommend this game.
Especially with a buddy or two if you're a scaredy cat like me. I was really surprised to see how well this game worked when only one person played while the others watched. The game is as much about about solving puzzles and navigation as it is about shooting mold creatures, if not more so. That combined with the story being ridicolous and tense at the same time, made it, by far, one of the best games I played with my friends, and I think they might agree.
I'm writing this right after beating the game, very late at night, so I might rewrite this review later

A great action RPG, with really satisfying combat and fun exploration. Wrapped around a really interesting world with a strong atmosphere and incredible presentation - beit visual or audible.
All making for a fun, colorful - yet moody, and chill time. Would highly recommend!

However I do think it's a bit short, I didn't expect it to end this quickly (Though I did take a long break before the final boss and that might have caused that feeling...) still it's an excellent game
I should mention that I felt the game flew by really fast for me, and not in the good sense. The game felt really short (That might be because of a long break I took before the final boss tho). What is here is excellent, but it feels like it ends mid-way... Still, play it - but be aware of its length.

*review taken from my steam account.

I'm not sure what that was...
The presentation was good - I love the visuals, atmosphere and effects (they really nailed the feeling of going at an incredibly high speed). The story was really ambiguous - which is something I generally like a lot. And while there's a part of me that wants to watch a Youtube video explaining everything, I would prefer to try and piece this story on my own.
In most cases, I would do that, this game is short enough to warrant a second or even third playthrough for me, but I'll be honest - the game isn't fun at all IMO... Controls and mechanics are good, and again, the game feel is immaculate, but in practice the game ends up being really boring. The main culprit for that is the fact the levels are entirely procedurally generated. it makes everything feel bland, repetitive, and lacking in engaging challenges. I guess that's part of the point, and that's fine - I can enjoy a good walking simulator, but that's not what I expected going into this (probably my fault - I didn't look at any clips or trailers besides a few from Twitter), but still - keep in mind this won't necessarily be fun in the traditional sense (unless I'm missing something here)...
Try it if you're curious, it's short and intriguing.