I'd like to know what type of crack Kojima was on when making this game, because I don't know how a man can write a game with such shitty writing and it still comes out amazing anyways.

You have many extremely long and tedious segments of exposition, forgettable side characters, a garbage underwater section combined with an escort mission, and a romance subplot so bad that its comparable to Anakin and Padme in the Star Wars prequels.

Yet at the same time, you have the most meaningful and profound ending to a videogame that I've seen, that actively took advantage of the medium of videogames in such a creative way in fucking 2001. Its even more impressive when you compare that to today, where so many big AAA game try their hardest to be movies and take themselves overtly seriously. The ending of Metal Gear Solid 2 is a small fraction of a 12 hour game with many questionable design and writing decisions, but that small fraction holds quite possibly the most value out of anything I've ever experienced in a videogame. This is a corny ass statement I'm making, but that final speech from Snake has left more of an impact on me than any thing I've ever been taught in school.

Reviewed on Oct 07, 2023

1 Comment

6 months ago

This is very deep