Didn't really enjoy this game very much. I came into this game hearing a lot of people say that the combat might seem a bit difficult at first. However I never really got that impression. I love challenging but rewarding combat. This was not that. This game has tedious combat. All the enemies are relatively easy once you figure out what they do and what attack pattern to use to defeat them. After that you just repeat against that enemy as many times as they pop up. It's not challenging, it's just time consuming and not very fun. The only gameplay I really found myself enjoying were the multi-phased boss fights, where the process of figuring out what attack patterns you need to use to defeat an enemy actually becomes exciting and strategic rather than repetitive and boring. Unfortunately this is not what the majority of the game is like. Players may get drawn in by the wonderful atmosphere, art, and music of this game, but the actual game is incredibly lacking. I feel like the world of this game was quite interesting, but the way the story was told through flashbacks and scattered notes was really not very engaging or interesting. You really only need to buy this game if you're a hardcore metroidvania fan or you're able to sit through a lot of boring gameplay to be able to look at some cool environments.

Reviewed on Jun 20, 2023
