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Time Played

8h 12m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

April 10, 2024

First played

March 23, 2024

Platforms Played


Forgive Me Father steals the shows with its Lovecraftian style and unique art direction that oozes investigation. The creepy atmosphere and enemy design coupled with the unique weapon upgrades and animations ask for you to spend some quality time playing through what Forgive Me Father has to offer. Regrettably, due to a handful of issues and game design choices this is a hard one to recommend from a gameplay perspective.

As mentioned prior the game itself is gorgeous and you follow the story of 1 of 2 playable characters through a noire quest to unfold the mysteries that lie before you. The character selection itself does little to differentiate the story apart from the initial motivation and the one liner’s your character spits out while you slay hordes of monster. The experience is separated into 5 distinct chapters that start relatively based in reality before going all out gangbusters with the cosmic horror. As you progress you unlock additional abilities and get limited upgrades to specific weapons or perks that will vastly change how your weapons function and look. The arsenal itself is quite varied and there is never really a point that you will not be unlocking new stuff which is greatly appreciated.
However, it is important to mention that Forgive Me Father comes with a myriad of issues that hold it back from being truly fantastic. Firstly, the games performance plummets in the final 2 chapters stuttering whenever there is combat making it almost impossible to play even on the lowest graphical settings. Secondly, the story set up and execution is great but gets absolutely ruined by a lackluster out of nowhere ending that flops harder than a fat kid at a pool party. My last main issue is the difficulty and level design. I’m not sure if it was forgotten or if they were under the pump to release but the last 2 chapters although gorgeous suck to play in. There are no save points in most of the final levels and for some unknown reason multiple platforming sections that mean if you don’t make a jump near the end of a level you will need to restart the entire thing again. To be honest there are many other issues I could list but these felt like some of the most egregious to me.

To be brief I personally was quite excited to play Father Forgive Me but was glad to be finished with it. If the art style intrigues you and you enjoy a relatively fun boomer shooter I would definitely recommend but take that with a grain of salt.