Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

October 14, 2023

First played

October 13, 2023

Platforms Played


It's a mix of a hack and slash and fighting game that doesn't do either one particularly well, but I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun. Toss in some light RPG elements and you've got yourself a fine weekend game. For further elaboration, the hack and slash sections are slightly tedious as you defeat enemy after enemy, occasionally broken up by you needing to operate a turret, damage a power box, or operate a console. There might be a boss battle against a big droid here or there, but it's overall pretty tedious.

Fighting is decently complex with grapples, parries, the usual. In single-player, the AI is a little too good at it, but the cracks start to show with how hilariously unbalanced some characters are. Count Dooku and Grievous are the type of characters you'd wanna ban your friends from playing if they came over, because they'd make you incredibly salty.

Revenge of the Sith's only $10 on the Xbox marketplace, and well worth it for that price. If you want an adaptation of ROTS that takes a few liberties, including a notorious alternate ending with Anakin, this one's worth a look. Was a fun nostalgia trip for me since I do recall enjoying what little I played on PS2, so whether you emulate this one or not you're in for a ride.