Half-Life 2 was a game I had played on and off since I got it in 2015. Now all these years later, after wiping my achievements to start fresh, I can say HL2 was after all this time worth the wait. Where the exposition-heavy opening chapters can be a mixed bag for many, Half-Life 2 is a solid shooter with plenty of fun to be had. From its fun to mess around with physics to its gripping story, Half-Life 2 brings a lot to the table and leaves you wanting more. Of the few gripes I do have, however, it's mainly in the arsenal being a lot smaller than its prior entry and the AI being a bit goofy, even for its time. But if you haven't already, pick up the Orange Box and give Half-Life 2 a play. You won't regret it!

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2022
