Oh, Saya no Uta... What a rollercoaster of a VN you were.
i am obliged to say that i was disappointed, in general, but i still struggle to know if this is something i can praise or dislike.
don't get me wrong, the ending has impressed me as much as the next person who sat through all of this, yet the thing that i'll complain the most about is (ironically) the lack of graphic, gory CGs. the disconnect between the author and the artist is blaringly obvious, and it's laughable on the H-scenes. i think i can say for sure that this game would've been a masterpiece if it weren't for that, which is a real shame, since the writing is so good.
so, to summarize:
i came here expecting gore, but all i got was a bore, and it all seemed like a chore, until near the ending's lore.
it was pretty good.

(also, the soundtrack's pretty awesome, gotta give credit for that)

Reviewed on May 23, 2023
