Far Cry 5 2018

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

7 days

Last played

October 13, 2023

First played

October 6, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


Fun open world with not a ton of collectables, vast majority of which can be tracked on the map which is a big plus. The companions, especially the animal ones, are very unique. It's just a shame the AI is general pretty poor
Progression is pretty weird. I think you're supposed to do the big story and recruiting missions first then clean up all the side stuff, but that's the opposite of how I play, which leads to a very frustrating experience once I'm at max hunting level in an area and running around trying to do stuff only to get interrupted by a plane or helicopter attack every 2 minutes. The worst of this is that when you get spotted near a outpost, it'll trigger the alarm even if it's from an enemy entirely outside the outpost. Not to mention being interrupted mid mission with the story ones that start with a cutscene. Ultimately none of this is too bad but it's a series of minor frustrating things that really hold the game back.
A major plus is the soundtrack though, which is something I don't often think about in games but that is almost impossible to do here, both in how it fits thematically(using some well known songs is kinda cheating but I'll allow it) and just how good it sounds. Still on the technical side of things, for a game as old as it is, a lot of it looks damn good on a PS5. Render distance isn't great and there's lots of popping especially when you're flying around, but just running through the woods or hiking up the mountains can lead to some gorgeous scenes.